The first microprocessor was the Intel 4004, introduced in 1971. The 4004 was not very
powerful all it could do was add and subtract, and it could only do that 4 bits at a time. But it
was amazing that everything was on one chip. Prior to the 4004, engineers built computers
either from collections of chips or from discrete components (transistors wired one at a powerful all it could do was add and subtract, and it could only do that 4 bits at a time. But it
was amazing that everything was on one chip. Prior to the 4004, engineers built computers
time). The 4004 powered one of the first portable electronic calculators. It was as powerful
as ENIAC which had 18000 tubes and occupied a large room. It cost less then $100. Its
targeted use was of calculation. It consisted of 2250 transistors and 16pins. Speed was 108
kHz, 60,000 ops/sec.
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